18/06 Rupert Blanchard and other furniture.

Just saw post on facebook about this guy- he makes some crazy awesome furniture.


An alphabet chest of drawers I saw in a home outlet store. It often sells some pretty rubbish stuff but every now and then you see something weird and wonderful like this.

14/06 Unusual Fonts

Inanimate objects used to form fonts.


Paper Clips
Rotten Apples

28/05 Yet more workshop stuff!

High Street Mash Up: A jerk chicken style cupcake shop.

These are some of the photos I took of chicken shops as research for the above image.

Emphasis workshop extension using lyrics from 'London' by The Smiths.

The beginnings of my 'name plate map'. I've taken images of lots of streets name signs of roads that surround my block. I have then cut out the text and placed them to form the lines of the roads on a map. It's turning out to be quite a lot of effort! 

Contrast workshop: These are my 'coats of arms' for East, West, North, South and my area. This workshop introduced me to the work of Paul Bommer, an illustrator who does some shield and coats of arms type things, all in bright colours. This is why I decided to abandon all stereotypes of London Colour chose a rich colour scheme. The 'Hoxditch' one for my area, though, I've kept greyscale.